Monday, February 11, 2013

The Pinaholic: Buffalo Cauliflower

To sum up a few previous stated facts about me: I am 23 years old and am a stay at home mom to an incredibly handsome 7 month old boy (I admit, I may be biased). Some of my more favorite activities to pass the time include playing with my son, cooking, and a strong healthy addiction to Pinterest. A couple new facts about me: One of my favorite foods (you'll soon realize I have a lot of favorites) is cauliflower. Another is buffalo sauce (not exactly a food item by itself, but when I hear buffalo anything I'm on board). So when I ran into this recipe via Pinterest to say I was excited is putting it mildly. Through trial and error I know what to do and what not to do the next time I make this recipe. All-in-all I would rate this a Pinterest success. Word to the wise: Two things I enjoy are buffalo sauce & hot, but these packed quite a punch with the HOT buffalo sauce. Next time I will be using just normal buffalo sauce.


      1 cup water or soy milk
      1 cup flour (any kind will work—even gluten-free!)
      2 tsp. garlic powder
      1 head of cauliflower, chopped into pieces
      1 cup buffalo or hot sauce
    1 Tbsp. olive oil or margarine


When coating the cauliflower with the flour mixture try to be neat about it. I was in a hurry my first time and just splashed them in the mixture & dropped them onto the baking pan leading to a lot of excess batter that kept the cauliflower from getting crispy on the bottom. -The Pinaholic


Preheat the oven to 450°F. Combine the water or soy milk, flour, and garlic powder in a bowl and stir until well combined. Coat the cauliflower pieces with the flour mixture and place in a shallow baking dish. Bake for 18 minutes. Tip: 20 minutes if you like them crispier. While the cauliflower is baking, combine your buffalo sauce and olive oil or margarine in a small bowl. Pour the hot sauce mixture over the baked cauliflower and continue baking for an additional 5 to 8 minutes. Tip: 5-6 minutes is perfect for me, but you can go longer if you like them extra crispy. Serve alongside blue cheese or ranch dressing and celery sticks. Tip: I wanted to try these so bad that I entirely skipped any kind of dressing and celery sticks. They were great, but when my mouth was on fire I sure wish I had had it ready. The original copy of this recipe can be found at Spicy Buffalo Cauliflower.

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