Monday, February 11, 2013

Greetings from The Pinaholic


Greetings & Welcome to the Pinaholic! I am going to take this time with my first post to get ourselves acquainted.

As a 23 year old stay at home mom with a 7 month old boy I get a few rare moments to myself. Sadly I do not have much of a life outside of the home which led to me discovering an interesting site: Pinterest.

Nothing can be said that better explains how I felt more than Love (with a capital L) at first sight! It was an amazingly easy website to use that combined one of my favorite activities to pass the time, Internet Window Shopping.

I dove into it, committing wholly to this new world of pins.

In less than a month I had amassed more than 2,000 pins spread over 24 boards!

But then I began to wonder what's the point? I had all these pins and had yet to try even one. Cooking (being another favorite activity of mine to pass time) starred prominently, leading the pack with 13 boards in which you could find any kind of recipe. A few other heavily pinned boards of mine were DIY Crafts Tips & Remedies, Fitness & Health, and Beauty Tips.

After testing out some of my cooking pins (all successful so far) I decided to create this blog to keep track of my progress. I want to share my successful & failed pins with everyone else just as addicted!

So what do you have to look forward to here at The Pinaholic? Well I would say that it'd be a fresh & funny take on life while learning which recipes are tested & proven (or tested & failed), DIY crafts tips & remedies that are useful (or not), exercises & healthy choices that are worth your time (or just a waste), and beauty tips to keep them coming back (or running away screaming).


The Pinaholic

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