Monday, February 25, 2013

From the Pinaholic: DIY Removing A Stripped Screw

Have you ever tried unscrewing a nail that is stripped? It’s a bitch, right? We think, one more twist & it’ll be out. Or you think you can see it unscrewing (which is really just a figment of our imagination) so we keep trying to force it out by the sheer power of our will. 9 times out of 10 we end up doing more damage because we just can’t leave it alone. Ultimately we over exert ourselves more than we need to for such a small problem (unless we have an extractor drill).

Well here is a Pinterest success that makes that whole process 100% easier.

By placing a wide rubber band in-between the stripped screw and the screw driver can sometimes help give enough grip to remove a slightly stripped screw head.

Wow, I just had my mind blown. I never knew it could be this simple to remove a stripped nail.

Now realize there are a few key words in the above directions. Specifically slightly stripped. So next time you run into a problematic screw, don’t over exert yourself & cause further damage to the screw head. Just grab a handy dandy rubber band and life will be much simpler (okay maybe not LIFE, but certainly those few, unregainable (stupid spellcheck thinks I spelled that wrong. wtf?! who’s the dumb one now?) moments).

This is one of those life-saving pins that is a must to know!

Thanks to Pinterest from all of The Pinaholics

To view this tip, along with a few other handy dandy ones, check out Home Hacks.

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